Graphing Sensor Data from a Raspberry Pi with Grafana

, updated 30 December 2022 🔖 iot ⏲️ 4 minutes to read

For a weekend project I picked up an Enviro + Air Quality board with a particulate monitor. My goal was to start recording this data and feed it into Grafana for viewing.

The board itself, with the display showing temperature, humidity and pressure

The particulate graph as an example of the output

There's various other sensor data: temperature, pressure, humidity, light, gas and noise. I'm sampling the data every second and sending it to Graphite hosted in docker container on a Ubuntu VPS, which is consumed by Grafana.


In this post I'll explore:

  1. Setting up the Pi
  2. Setting up Graphite and Grafana on a VPS
  3. Adding the Stats Collector Service
  4. Graphing the Statistics

Setting up the Pi

I used the Raspberry Pi Imager to install Raspberry Pi OS Lite to my micro SD card, which has everything we need for this project.

Once installed, I set up WiFi and SSH using the following command:

$ raspi-config

Next I followed the Pimoroni instructions to set up the Enviro board and particulate sensor.

By the end of that tutorial you'll be able to run the Python scripts to get sensor data and drive the screen. We'll build on the Python libraries there in the Adding the Stats Collector Service step, so make sure you run the install script and try some of the example scripts.

Setting up Graphite and Grafana on a VPS

I use Linode's $5/month plan for my VPS. RAM is tight, but Graphite needs ~256MB and Grafana ~64MB. The official Docker setup instructions are a good resource for getting Docker installed on Ubuntu server.

I keep my docker services in a folder structure like this:

      db/ # Contains data mounted into the Grafana container
      db/ # Contains data mounted into the Graphite container

This structure allows you to back up the docker folder to gather both the stack definitions and all of the data the containers use to run. You can run this every evening for example and sync the folder to Amazon S3.

Setting up Grafana

The contents of Grafana's stack.yml, making it available at port 3000, with 50% CPU and 64MB of RAM:

version: '3'
    image: grafana/grafana
      - 3000:3000
      - ./db:/var/lib/grafana
        condition: any
          cpus: '0.5'
          memory: 64M

The Grafana docker container runs under a user with ID 472, so you must create a service user and give them write access to the db folder:

$ adduser grafana --system --no-create-home --uid 472
$ mkdir db
$ chown grafana db

To deploy this stack, you use the following command:

$ docker stack deploy -c stack.yml grafana

To see the status of the stack:

$ docker stack ps grafana

ID             NAME                IMAGE                    NODE        DESIRED STATE
unmhk2cqkgfv   grafana_grafana.1   grafana/grafana:latest   localhost   Running

Grafana should now be available at

Setting up Graphite

Here's the contents of Graphite's stack.yml, making it available at port 3001, with 50% CPU and 256MB of RAM:

version: '3'
    image: graphiteapp/graphite-statsd
      - 3001:80 # Web UI port
      - 2003:2003 # Ingestion port
#      - 2004:2004
#      - 2023:2023
#      - 2024:2024
#      - 8125:8125/udp
#      - 8126:8126
      - ./db/storage:/opt/graphite/conf
      - ./db/conf:/opt/graphite/storage
      - ./db/functions:/opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/functions/custom
      - ./db/nginx:/etc/nginx
      - ./db/statsd:/opt/statsd/config
      - ./db/logrotate:/etc/logrotate.d
      - ./db/log:/var/log
      - ./db/redis:/var/lib/redis
        condition: any
          cpus: '0.5'
          memory: 256M

To start this service:

$ docker stack deploy -c stack.yml graphite

To check on it:

$ docker stack ps graphite

ID             NAME                  IMAGE                                NODE        DESIRED STATE
cno4umv5gq46   graphite_graphite.1   graphiteapp/graphite-statsd:latest   localhost   Running

Graphite should now be available at

Securing Graphite

For whatever reason Graphite is not secure out of the box. I added HTTP Basic authentication to it by editing my NGINX config:

$ nano db/nginx/sites-enabled/graphite-statsd.conf

Add the auth_basic and auth_basic_user_file sections to the location / block:


  location / {
    auth_basic "Graphite";
    auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;

    proxy_set_header  Host      $http_host;
    proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;


Then generate an htpassd file:

$ htpasswd -c db/nginx/.htpasswd <username>

Finally, restart your Graphite stack:

$ docker stack rm graphite
$ docker stack deploy -c stack.yml graphite

Adding the Stats Collector Service

Here is the full Python 3 code I am using to collect the stats every second, and update the screen. You must first install the graphyte library to send statistics to the server:

$ pip3 install graphyte

Then, save the Python script as (change to your server's address):

You should be able to run it using the following command:

$ python3

Installing the Collector as a Service

To ensure that the collector starts when the system reboots and to ensure the script is restarted if it stops, we need to create a systemd service.

The first thing to do is to create the service definition:

$ nano /etc/systemd/system/collector.service

The file should look like this:




This assumes the script is located at /home/pi/ and should run as the user pi. Save the file, then run the following command to enable the service:

$ systemctl enable collector.service

Then it's a case of starting it:

$ systemctl start collector.service

To check the status of the service:

$ systemctl status collector.service

And to get logs from the service if it errors:

$ journalctl -u collector.service

Graphing the Statistics

Now for the easy bit - we can start graphing the statistics using Grafana. First, add a Graphite data source:

Then, configure the Basic authentication using the credentials you entered to create the .htpasswd file:

Hit "Save & Test", you should be presented with a green banner.

The next step is to create a dashboard:

And finally, you can create a graph based on the data from your Raspberry Pi:

🏷️ grafana graphite pi data statistic raspberry graph collector install script sensor docker enviro particulate vps

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